He uses the Birling family to portray a capitalist family, which was common amongst the higher classes in A family who has no care for other people, and he shows that with the power of socialism, represented by the inspector. The uneasy lies put on by the Birling family to cover up their real flaws and how they have treated Eva smith, a woman who they considered to be lower class, show that they know they were wrong.
This way the audience can relate to the time and would become involved. He wanted to get the audience to question their own morality. The first device Priestley uses is his detailed stage directions at the opening of his play. Although the Birlings are rich enough to afford comfortable furniture, they have no sense of belonging to a family to make it cosy, like they have no sense of community.
It also shows that the Birlings are quite a dysfunctional family. At the start of the play the stage lighting is meant to be pink and intimate to show that the family has to pretend to be close.
However, when the Inspector comes, the light becomes harsh and white almost as if Socialism breaks apart the lies and pretences of the Capitalist world the Birling family have built for themselves to reveal the truth about what they have really done.
New pieces of information contribute to the story being constructed. The audience is interested in how each character reacts to the revelations. These show that the opinions of Mr Birling, a symbol of Capitalism, are nothing more than fantasies of how life could be. Priestley wanted the audience to have a low opinion of Mr Birling from the start because he was discouraging his Capitalist politics and was trying to show people like Mr Birling at fault.
This being a very suspenseful tone that does an amazing job of hooking the reader in at the first sentence. This suspense created so early in the writing gives the reader an impression of not knowing what to suspect, and hooks them in better than the highest point of drama in a soap opera.
The best point Faber made in this quote was how it television rushes you by so quickly without having time to process. It shows that Faber acknowledges how destructive television and technology can be in general. This quote especially helps my theme because it shows that someone in the book has realized that people have become. Even though is Benecke lost the paper he could have lost his chance with some type of promotion, however, losing his life would completely obliterate it. Within the story, Devil's Thumb had an ironic and angry tone.
For the most part, there were words and phrases that expressed anger in the story. In the beginning, Krakaeur said "I'd told my boss I was quitting:","No, Not in a couple of weeks, Steve; right now was more like what I had in my mind". This proclamation shows how infuriated and unsatisfied, he was with his current job and his life. The ironic part is that he that foresees and believes that this will change his life, but in the end he finishes where he started.
He has been doing this evil stunt for years. Dimmesdale thought he was truly trying to help him, but in reality he was really trying to make him feel extremely guilty for his decisions and actions. It seems wrong to mentally hurt a minister, but then again, he did do something illegal, according to Chillingworth. Verbal irony has created confusion and suspicion because people say things, when they mean an entirely different definition. Situational irony causes tension and suspicion because expectations in the audience and cast aren't met.
This was because of the capitalist program that was implemented in at the time. Mister Birling exploits Eva Jones as he uses the fact that she was desperate require of money to create her am employed at a low salary.
Eva Smith forms a protest pertaining to better wages, which leads to employees striking. It was most likely that Eva Smith felt powerful and like the girl had built a serious influence. Instead Mr Birling acquired no goal of increasing the salary but having been going to wait for an employees to come, he knew that they would because they needed the cash and then fired the engagement ring leaders. This gave Avoi Smith false hope, she was incredibly vulnerable at that time and Mr Birling got advantage of her weakness.
Priestley wanted Shelia to look innocent so there would be some surprise the moment she informed her story. Priestley was a socialist , he believes that capitalism should be abolished and socialism would be brought in.
Mr Birling is a capitalist and Priestley portrayed him as a fool. Eva Smith is exploited by the upper class as there was a lack of respect from the upper class to the lower class. In , there was a lack of respect and equal rights for the lower class. This was because of the capitalist system that was implemented in at the time. Mr Birling exploits Eva Smith as he uses the fact that she was desperate need of money to make her work at a low wage.
Eva Smith forms a protest for better wages , which leads to employees striking.