If you do scratch a blister by accident, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Do not use aspirin or aspirin-containing products to relieve fever from chickenpox. Instead, use non-aspirin medications, such as acetaminophen, to relieve fever from chickenpox. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding treatment with ibuprofen if possible because it has been associated with life-threatening bacterial skin infections.
If you have symptoms, call your healthcare provider. Contacting a healthcare provider is especially important if the person:. Your healthcare provider can advise you on treatment options. Antiviral medications are recommended for people with chickenpox that are more likely to develop serious illness, including:. There are antiviral medications licensed for treatment of chickenpox.
The medication works best if it is given as early as possible, preferably within the first 24 hours after the rash starts. For more information, see Acyclovir Treatment. Related Links. Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website.
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CDC is not responsible for Section compliance accessibility on other federal or private website. Cancel Continue. Once dry scabs or crusts have developed, the disease in not likely to spread. People may also catch chicken pox from direct exposure to a person with an active shingles rash if they have not been immunized by vaccination or a previous bout of chicken pox. In this case, transmission occurs during the active phase when blisters have erupted, but not formed dry crusts.
A person with the shingles rash cannot transmit the virus by breathing or coughing. There are about , cases of shingles annually, according to the CDC. The virus lives in the nerve roots in a dormant state, and is re-activated during times of illness and stress. The eruption is in a band like pattern or distribution. S are at risk for shingles. It appears certain factors increase the risk of developing shingles outbreaks over a lifetime.
People who have HIV, cancer, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation , diabetes, or who are on immunosuppressant medications are at risk for developing shingles outbreaks. Overall, significant stress, illness and lack of sleep can be predisposing risk factors for developing an outbreak of shingles. About percent of chicken pox cases occur in children under the age of Before the chicken pox vaccine was introduced in , there were about 4 million cases of chicken pox annually.
Since the introduction of the vaccine, the incidence of chicken pox and hospitalizations for complications have declined about 90 percent. If you have HIV, are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy for cancer, or have a suppressed immune system from autoimmune disease, diabetes or chronic lung disease, you may be at risk for developing chicken pox.
It is recommended to get the chicken pox vaccine in this case. It is safe for both children and adults.