It will simply be the latest pack of lies in a career full of them. But it will be what Arkansas fans want to hear, and the poor saps will be desperate to believe him. So hiring a guy with a college record will get the blood pumping. He loves himself, his playbook and his bank account. Bobby Petrino will return your embrace, Hog fans.
Understanding whether Forde was right then and whether the University of Arkansas will have a head football coach beyond the next few days are not easy tasks and are admittedly not entirely knowable. The analysis continues with Petrino Understood — A Long Road But Farther To Go as it looks at the question of where Coach Petrino stood in the grand scheme of college coaches when he took his first head-coaching job at Louisville.
That understanding then moves to introduce what it might have taken for Louisville to hold Coach Petrino. Petrino Understood — Making the Summit at Arkansas looks at why the Louisville head coaching job would not work for Bobby Petrino and attempts to understand why Coach Petrino would find the University of Arkansas as a suitable place to make his career.
Plainly only parts of the story are mine as was the effort of the transcript. There are so many angles to assimilate, and this part will likely be revised later today as time and developing circumstances permit. A few thoughts are most important. Coach Petrino has been in the position of negotiating a contract and having a school contact or want to contact him, while at the same time having to prepare for a bowl game.
Arkansas, meanwhile, has been unable to approach the winning levels the Razorbacks enjoyed under Petrino back-to-back seasons with at least 10 wins. Some MSU fans, possibly thinking back to those photos of Petrino in a neck brace, weren't pleased when reports surfaced late Tuesday night that Petrino was in line for the Bears job. Here's a look back at what we know about Petrino's firing in Arkansas.
On April 1, , Petrino was involved in a single-vehicle motorcycle crash in northwest Arkansas. Petrino initially told university officials he was alone on the motorcycle, but it eventually came out that he had a passenger — thenyear-old Jessica Dorrell.
He had not previously disclosed his relationship with university officials. More: Bobby Petrino officially announced as Missouri State's next head football coach. Can Arkansas fire Petrino for cause regardless of whether his actions violate state statute or university policy? On page 7 of the letter, Arkansas lays out the termination for cause element of the contract. The language is broad.
The reality is the school would probably pay him a couple of million dollars to forestall any future law suit, but the school could cut him loose owing nothing. I think AD Jeff Long wants Petrino to survive so my tentative guess is yes, he will, but with a substantial suspension from the league which Arkansas will agree to as way to pay penance and satisfy the substantial public outrage.
Petrino has admitted to wrongdoing. What Long may well end up doing is trying to cover his own ass when people start to ask questions about how he allowed her to be promoted underneath Petrino. So I think Petrino will survive because he wins and because his AD wants him to survive.
But I think the SEC will suspend him for at least half the season, potentially more. If you just want to laugh about the absurdity of the Petrino situation, please read this. OutKick founder, host and author.