Where to find masters in forsaken world

The flower removes a defense buff than the creature gains over time which stacks to max of 3. The more def buff there, the harder he will be to hit and damage. Once the creature is dead, return to Vanessa in FH.

How to Find a Master alternative methods — You can world flute, asking for someone to be your master. Once they accept.. What is expected of me as an apprentice? The minimum amount required for an apprentice to do with their master, is whatever it takes to max the friendship and then graduate remember, maxing friendship gives the greatest rewards for BOTH master and the apprentice. Anything else that your master does for you, is entirely their choice.

Everything is at their expense and there is no funding for them to have to purchase any items for you. They voluntarily give their time to help you learn. While you can ask for help, please do respectful of your master. They play this game to have fun just as much as you do and at times they will have their own activities they have to complete. How to Find an Apprentice alternative methods — You can world flute, asking for someone to be your apprentice.

Rewards While there are lots of rewards in it for the apprentices, what do you get from it as a master? Aside from the XP rewards, and Mentor points, there is also the following:. What is expected of me as a Master? The minimum amount required for a master to do with their apprentice, is whatever it takes to max the friendship and then graduate remember, maxing friendship gives the greatest rewards for BOTH master and the apprentice. Anything else that you choose to do for your apprentice such as teaching them how to make money, buying them items or gear, teaching them trade routes or helping out with quests etc etc etc is entirely up to the decision of the master.

Question: Darksea 6: Weeping What is the reason that weeping has never been eliminated? Option 1: People always have a dark side. Pets in Forsaken World support you in your adventures and battles by attacking enemies or granting you special buffs which increase your powers.

Your main-quest will lead you automatically to the Pet Dealer Rachel. You'll need to find this little energetic boy in the main area of Port Kalaires. Find him and get a whistle from him. Meet Rachel and hand out the present. You have won your first pet, but this is not even half of it yet. But you should know: Not every monster is able to give you its soul.

This soul-stone is available in 4 different qualities:. This soulstone is very common and can be found in every monsters soul. This soulstone is quite common, but more unique as white quality stones. The green stones can be found in monster-souls on open maps, but this doesn't happen often.

Most of the Eyrda-Boutique pets are blue quality. The purple soulstone is the most unique quality in soulstones. So rare, it has yet to be seen, but may make an appearance one day The pets from dungeons exist in the open world maps too except some of the legendary boss monsters at the end of certain dungeons.

To catch a pet, you first need to kill its old body to get the soul free. What can I do with it now? But you can do something very cool with it instead of throwing it away:.

You won't able to remove the pet after setting it in the incubation-process. No, because the incubation time will stop if you logout!

In that case: Time is money! Every soulstone has different incubation-times, so it can happen to you lucky you! Hatching-time: 0 - minutes: Pet is white. Hatching-time: 10 - minutes: Pet is green. It just means that rewards are waiting for you to be claimed as taking photos, again, forms part of some quest lines. As you run out of other activities to engage in, you want to take a closer look into the gallery and check on all the missing photos from the collection.

Each missing photo in the gallery provides a photograph clue, which are actually dead giveaways given how specific the descriptions are. The location in relation to the structure or area you need to take a photo of is also specified within the details. Most of these feats can be accomplished in just a matter of minutes.

Although the power boost you directly get out of it is not that much, it can still help you grow and be better prepared for upcoming challenges. You may not have tried it before as the quests and challenges will not require you do so, but you can actually tap on the mini map at the upper right corner of the screen.

There are drop-down lists at the right side of the map to help direct you towards where you want to go and the map itself can be clicked on as well.

You can also click on the world icon at the bottom left side of the map page to see the world map. You can travel to different areas or regions you have unlocked and for purposes of completing gallery photos, this feature can be very helpful.

You will not be experiencing a shortage of equipment as you make progress through your journey in the world of Forsaken World: Gods and Demons. As you complete quest objectives and dungeon runs, as well as accomplish achievement and event feats, you will obtain gears that are typically better than the ones you have depending on the level of the challenge you completed.

While you will have an abundance of gears that you can freely dispose you may notice at some point that there are still empty slot on your character and even on your pet. The belt slot, for example, which is the fifth item slot from the top in your equipment page, can never be filled up simply by looting or partaking in events. The only way to equip an item on it is through crafting, which you might not even heard of at this point in your adventure. You can choose leatherworking for this instance and check the required materials to be able to craft a belt for your hero.

You will need to gather Boar Bones before you can craft, which means you need to go on hunting first. Chances are you still do not have the items needed for you to hunt but you can also instantly purchase hunting knives and proceed to hunt. Once you have enough materials to craft, you can simultaneously craft your first Darkstar Belt.

There is always a chance of being able to craft a higher rarity item which is why repeating the process is not a complete waste of time and resources. Note, however, that life activities consume vigor, so be sure to keep an eye on it as you engage in life activities.

Just like crafting gears for you and your pet, as well as hunting creatures to farm needed materials for it, Forsaken World: Gods and Demons provides various life activities that are both enjoyable and rewarding to each player, most especially those who want to take a quick time off from battles and dungeons.

Although engaging in life activities consume vigor and you only have a limited amount of it, the best way to go is expend it as it comes rather than have it wasted at the end of the day. You can also increase your vigor by partaking in some events. Within the life skill menu, you can see how much vigor you have in stock, as well as the maximum amount you can hold at the upper right section of the page.

The activities under the collecting part and the crafting part of profession skills are connected in pairs. You need to mine for ores to be able to forge orbs, pet clothes, and pet weapons. By clicking Accept, you agree to use the cookies necessary for the function of this site's services. Cookie Notice Our site uses cookies to improve your browsing experience and to strengthen the services of the website. Accept Decline. You're using an unsupported web browser.

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