Why is immunization a public health issue

Published online Apr Walter A. Orenstein a, 1 and Rafi Ahmed b. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Email: ude. Copyright notice. See " Emerging infectious diseases: A proactive approach " in volume on page This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

Table 1. Open in a separate window. Footnotes See Perspective on page References 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommended immunization schedule for children and adolescents 18 years or younger, United States Accessed March 13, Vaccine-Preventable Disease Table Working Group Historical comparisons of morbidity and mortality for vaccine-preventable diseases in the United States.

Zhou F, et al. Economic evaluation of the routine childhood immunization program in the United States, Ozawa S, et al. Return on investment from childhood immunization in low- and middle-income countries, Health Aff Millwood ; 35 — Smallpox and its Eradication. World Health Organization; Geneva: The CDC estimates 21 million hospitalizations and , deaths will be avoided among children born in the last 20 years as a result of vaccines.

In addition to health benefits, the economic value of immunizations cannot be overstated. By protecting against diseases with immunizations, billions of dollars could be saved. The National Vaccine Advisory Committee NVAC also contributes to immunization recommendations, as it recommends research priorities to enhance the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and provides recommendations on the best ways to ensure that the country has an adequate supply of safe, effective vaccines.

Increasingly, state executive agencies, legislatures and boards of pharmacy address pharmacists in COVID vaccination efforts and other facets of the pandemic response. State and federal policymakers, government agencies, vaccine manufacturers, the medical community and parents all agree on the need to keep children safe and healthy. The federal government and vaccine manufacturers go to great lengths to make vaccines for both adults and children as safe as possible.

Vaccines can still cause very rare side effects. Much of the movement to implement more flexible exemption laws stems from concerns about vaccine safety. VAERS receives approximately 30, reports annually. This system contains the medical and immunization histories of more than 7.

The program provides financial assistance and is designed as a "no fault" system for adverse effects on the Vaccine Injury Table VIT. Families are granted the presumption that the vaccine caused a child's injury or death, if no other medical cause can be found for a specific list of known vaccine-associated side effects. If an adverse event is not on the VIT, families must prove causality. Thimerosal, a preservative that contains a form of mercury, was used in very small amounts for over 50 years as a preservative in some vaccines and to protect vaccines from bacterial contamination.

Some parents, researchers and others have voiced concerns about a potential link between health problems, particularly autism, and vaccines containing thimerosal. According to CDC and the World Health Organization , there is no convincing evidence of harm caused by the small amounts of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor effects like swelling and redness at the infection site due to sensitivity to thimerosal.

Create Account. State Immunization Policy Overview. Introduction The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC ranks vaccination among the most significant public health achievements of the 20th century. School Requirements From the time they are born, children receive numerous immunizations; there are 16 different recommended vaccines for children , some requiring multiple doses.

Exemptions Although immunization requirements vary from state to state , all states allow exemptions for medical reasons, and all but five states California, Maine, Mississippi, New York and West Virginia grant religious or philosophical exemptions for people who have sincerely held beliefs that prohibit immunizations.

State Programs Most states depend primarily on federal resources to purchase vaccines. Immunization Information Systems Immunization information systems IIS are confidential, electronic systems that contain vaccination histories within a geographic area. General Population Immunization While policymakers often prioritize the immunization of children, there are vaccines and vaccine policies that promote general health and safe vaccination rates across age groups.

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