Why does data wear a gold uniform

The red skirt suits her legs. Valorum Valorum k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. I couldn't imagine a better explanatory image. What the devil is going on with Dax's face? Upcoming Events. October Topic Challenge: Gene Wolfe ends in 6 days. November Topic Challenge: Samuel R. Delany in 6 days. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Linked Faram is a former reporter for Navy Times. He was a senior writer covering personnel, cultural and historical issues.

A nine-year active duty Navy veteran, Faram served from to as a Navy Diver and photographer. Your Navy.

By Mark D. Mar 26, Those that dislike the Irish ever wearing green jerseys like to point out that the school colors are blue and gold. Fair enough, because they are indeed blue and gold. The thing is though The school colors were yellow and blue. The lore of the green jerseys is long, and it lacks a definitive beginning. Notre Dame lost to Iowa that day in case you were wondering, but Rock still had the team wear green against the Navy Midshipmen.

Notre Dame would then go on to exclusively wear green until — but still broke them out during some games from According to the book The Art of Star Trek p. Troi wore the uniform with obvious hosiery , while Yar was shown bare legged. The skant was primarily seen in the first season, appearing in the second season only four times, worn with black trousers, in the episodes " The Child ", " The Outrageous Okona ", " The Schizoid Man ", and " Samaritan Snare ".

After that its final appearance was in the flashbacks during " All Good Things Data wearing the earliest revision of the uniform in Command red: Riker wears the belted version, Shelby wears the one-piece version. Operations gold: note the ensign wearing a Type A uniform during the transition in Sciences blue: Ogawa in a junior officers's variant.

Benjamin Sisko also wore this uniform in a flashback scene, created by the Prophets , showing him during the birth of his son in in the episode DS9 : " Emissary ". William Ware Theiss 's original first and second season uniforms reportedly caused the cast discomfort as the tight-fitting and revealing spandex pulled down on the actors' backs.

With his arrival at TNG during season three , costume designer Robert Blackman 's first charge was the modification of the existing design to make Starfleet-wear more bearable. Experimenting with different materials, Blackman utilized a jumpsuit-style form-fitting wool gabardine material in the early days of season three before ultimately settling on looser-fitting versions consisting of a jacket and trousers.

The Theiss-designed costume remained unmodified for use by background actors until season four , when they were altered to reflect the new look. They are easily spotted next to the two-piece uniforms, distinguished by their prominent front zipper. In keeping with Gene Roddenberry 's idea that there are no zippers or other contemporary closures by the time of Picard and company, the TNG -style uniform demonstrated the miraculous ability to open from the front like a jacket in the episode " Ensign Ro ".

To achieve this illusion, producers used both a jumpsuit-style uniform and a two-piece jacket and trouser combination, indicating amazingly undetectable closure technology. Alterations seen in the alternate timeline in " Yesterday's Enterprise " were based on this style. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation referred to their uniforms as "spacesuits". For more information, see Casual duty attire Captain's variant.

Considering the use of different styles of uniform undershirts on latter Starfleet uniforms , there might have been a lower waistline version available. The alien impersonating Vice Admiral Janeway in "Coda" wore this unique Admiral's uniform not seen before or after , which presumably was available to Starfleet personnel before Janeway's daughter did not seem to find what her "father" was wearing as abnormal, even the s combadge instead of the s combadge and the rank insignia paired with the uniform, but there was little normal with the situation.

This uniform style would seem to be an effort to show a transition between the "red jacket" style of uniforms seen in the TOS movies and the style of uniform used on TNG, since it combined features of both. As seen in The Emissary , this uniform could be worn without the Starfleet insignia combadge. One unique flag officer uniform seen during this period, though intended to be in use a few decades later, is the one worn by the hologram Picard in " Future Imperfect ".

An operations division flag officer uniform in First appearing sans combadge in the The Next Generation sixth season episode "Realm of Fear", this was the final variation of the admiral's uniform before the appearance of the First Contact -style uniform in " Favor the Bold " While only command-division red admiral's uniforms appeared during the run of TNG , the Deep Space Nine episode " The Die is Cast " demonstrated the existence of other division colors with the appearance of Vice Admiral Toddman in operations gold.

Despite this, a sciences division admiral's uniform has not been seen. Like the Starfleet dress uniform , the admiral's uniform was a costume that was often tinkered with by the production staff during the run of the The Next Generation. Q's version of a Starfleet admiral's dress uniform. I'm surprised at you. Besides, you look good in a dress. Riker , " Liaisons ". The greener sciences division dress uniform in I would just keep doing different takes on the original design: shorten it, add pants Crusher wasn't seen in the next uniform style in Star Trek Generations , but the Jupiter Station Diagnostic Program Alpha 's use of a wrinkled, off-white lab coat in " The Swarm " seems to indicate that the practice continued and was at least informally accepted by uniform regulations.

When she first learned that she would be wearing one of these costumes in a scene from the episode "Ethics", Nurse Ogawa actress Patti Yasutake was delighted by that prospect. They had to doctor it a couple of times because every time I moved my head, the hat would not move. It would cover my eyes. Cinefantastique , Vol. Ralph Offenhouse wearing a sciences blue utility jumpsuit. Lore in a utility jumpsuit.

While previous TNG seasons had featured all three division colors, only the operations gold version seemed to make it through season four. See below for a full list of episodes this uniform appeared in. First year cadet Mitena Haro in a cadet uniform, Cadet Nick Locarno in a cadet uniform, The cadet uniform was first introduced in "Allegiance", but it was not until "The Game" two seasons later that the uniform was refined into the version seen throughout the duration of TNG.

The uniform seen in "Allegiance" is the only example of a cadet uniform of this type in a different division color than command red. This operations gold uniform was worn by the illusory Cadet Haro, and since Captain Picard didn't seem to find anything wrong with Haro's uniform, it's safe to conclude that there were different cadet uniforms based upon the division of study.


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