Here are the five big offenders in the world of nasty neighbors and tips on how to deal with them. Indoor noise solutions. If you are already in the situation of having nasty neighbors, here are nine fail-safe strategies:. Be sure to offer a solution. Consult your condo or block association. Ask them to send a standard letter citing the ordinance or by-law. Relationship Problems.
Relationship Advice. Single Life. Welcome to PairedLife! Related Articles. By Carola Finch. By Sadie Holloway.
By Mel Jay. By Jonathan Livingston. By Jeannie Marie. By Bernadyn. By jellygator. By Sondra Rochelle. By MenAfterDivorce. By Dee. By Kari. By Tatiana. By Deborah Reno. Have a loud phone call in your home. Address an enticing looking letter to yourself and place it in your mailbox. This spyware will sweep your house for any hidden cameras or listening devices. Repeat the sweep a couple of times a week. Your neighbor never comments on your stuff but they seem to know everything you post on your Facebook page.
That could mean that they cyberstalking you rather than physically spying on you. It never fails. It almost like they know your schedule better than you do. Ignore them. You come home and notice that your junk drawer is open.
You could have sworn you closed that before you left. While the situations above are scary, there are ways for you to address it. A friendly, neighborly conversation starts to get stale after about four minutes. Have a good one! Reschedule chats to a more convenient time. If your neighbor is at your door, you are not required to answer, especially if you don't feel safe doing so. If, however, you feel comfortable answering the door, you can quickly set a boundary by saying, "Now is really not a great time for me to talk.
Say, "Are you free tomorrow afternoon, around four? I'll be free then and would love to take a walk and catch up. Method 2. Matters are a bit more complicated if you and your neighbor are both homeowners or long-term renters. You should confront them about your discomfort instead of trying to spare their feelings or let tensions mount. Confront them sooner rather than later.
You should make your feelings clear as soon as you notice an issue developing. Delaying a calm, firm conversation will only encourage their intrusive behavior. Be firm and honest about how they make you feel.
You should be clear and honest with your neighbors about any issues. Be respectful and polite, but try not to sugarcoat your point too much.
I find our chats pleasant, but they always seem to make me run late! If you live with a spouse or roommate, talk to them about how to handle your overly friendly neighbor. Come up with a strategy and make sure you both follow through with it.
Sending mixed signals will only aggravate the situation. Explain the kind of neighborly relationship you desire. Try explaining to them that, in your experience, good fences make good neighbors. Confront your neighbor who gossips.
You might like that your friendly neighborhood gossip lets you know about fascinating local news.