Why do danielle and dan have bandages

The former couple had a rocky relationship, to say the least, with reports of cheating, fraud, and theft. In October , Danielle filed for an annulment from the Tunisia native, and was granted a divorce in March She had a lawyer talking for her. In fact, he posted a selfie of himself sporting some new facial hair and the post was geotagged near Haines City, FL.

He cheekily wrote in the caption, "I'm still alive lol. How big are reality star salaries? Jason Tartick breaks it down with Us Weekly editors. Stupid stupid stupid!!! What is she thinking!!!!!!!!!!!! She did tell Dan that she knew Shane would have to go eventually.

To get Shane out without her having to take the blame, making Dan do it is her best move. If Danielle pulls Dan off so that He can be the one to get blood on his hands, well, she is crazy….

Dan will evict Shane as he knows that is why she pulled him off. I hope she does make that move as I want to see her face when Julie says…Shane you have been evicted from the Big Brother house!!

Go Dan…!!! He may have to take her to final 2 but I think he would win over her anyway. If he keeps Shane there is no way he would take Dan to the finals over Danielle. Also, how does Danielle not realize that Shane is being sweet to her purely for game reasons? Now he is suddenly wanting to sleep in the bed with her and kiss her.

Where is Brit with her harsh dose of reality when you need her?! I wanted him and Ian in final two all along and I just might get my wish but my vote for the win will have to change to DAN if he pulls this one off.

Can Danielle really be stupid enough to think Dan will not boot out Shane? Huge move for Dan, I agree. But does that make him the best BB player … or does it make him a great BB player against some really gullible competition?

OMG I cannot believe what I am hearing. If Danielle uses the POV on Dan thinking that he will get the blood on his hands for sending Ian home that would be epic — because Dan most likely would send Shane home. Danielle — surely you cannot be that naive…. If she does that then she is toast. It has been great for Dan that Britney got evicted. She would never have let him control the house to the extent he is now.

It would be too funny if Danielle uses it on Dan thinking he will evict Ian and he turns around and evicts Shane. My prediction…Dan will talk Danielle into using the veto on him.

Dan will vote out Shane. Dan and Ian final 2. Dan knows that if he and Ian went to final 2, Ian could win, while with Danielle, most of the jury, though they like her, see her as his puppet. Now,that I know Danielle is planning to screw over the guy Dan who told her every move to make since day1.

In order to take Shane to the end. Dan is about to switch it around,where instead of Danielle being the person that everyone wants to take.

But Dan is also trying to set it up where he will let Danielle or maybe his self take out Ian in the final3. That way he will slaughter Danielle in the final 2. If they are so set on bouncing Ian why take dan down and put shane up letting dan decide what happens??? Oh this is funny! Oh please Danielle, use the veto on Dan and do something that would please me for once.

It may be a bad move for what you want Danielle, but America would really appreciate you screwing this up and losing. Ian and Dan my two picks for final two, and now their BB lives are at stake. Ian and Dan have both made interesting moves in this house and they were very fun to watch. Dani and Shane…. So who is Danielle taking to F2???? Shane or Dan? This is getting so confusing! Danielle is playing a better game than Dan himself lol!

Or maybe its all part of the plan? But according to these updates it looks like Dan would be the odd man out in the final 3 so at this point Dan kind of needs Ian because Ian will really take him to the finals. Danielle better not use that veto.

Dan wins against Danielle, loses to Ian. Shane wins against Danielle, loses to Ian. Ian wins against Dan, Shane, or Danielle. Danielle wins against no one. It would be really stupid to do.

Dawg — Simon — this might be a silly? Shane is playing this good by getting snuggly and I have a feeling Danielle is falling right into the trap. Dan just needs to win the final HOH, end of story. But my only worry is… has Dan filled Danielle in on his plan to take Shane out?

Will she be pissed at Dan? Or does she know about it already and is just playing Shane? Shane is clearly misted, does he not realize that Dan will cut him if he is on the block. Dan will vote out Shane in a heartbeat!! Dani will be an emotional wreck,and therefor lose the next HOH changeles,and Dan or Ian will win and take the other to the final two. I will effing puke if that happens! I will freakin flip the freak out,yo! Please …. She already knows Dan wanted Shane out the other day,hopefully she remembers that.

And Shane!? WTF were you thinking,telling Dani to use it on Dan!!?? Holly hell. I didnt think anyone would be that blind or stuuuuupid! Come on Dani!! He is so using her. She is such a fool.

Dan needs to take care of that situation if at all possible. Mazer, what do you think Dan is doing? At this point everyone of them will say whatever to get a chance to win the money.

I cannot stand danielle with every being in my body and it makes me sick she won the HOH and veto. Ian and Dan final 2 pleeeaaase!!!! This is going to be fricking hilarious.

Then Dan will evict Shane. Maybe he will swear on the bible again, because you know when he does that, he is telling the truth. Please use the POV Danielle! Then Dan can get rid of Shane instead of Ian, and hopefully Ian wins the next stage and cans Danielle. I will puke if Danielle makes it to the end. I was hoping this year would have a deserving player win. The last time that happened was …..

Still pulling for Ian! He has manipulated the entire house since the very beginning. Best bet would be to vote him out and take Ian to final 3. So funny when Ian was talking about exposing the dumb ass quack pack when Dan had already exposed it to frank, Dan is an ass to talk on frank when frank DID NOT let it out when frank got booted, I really think its disgusting how Dan tells every single house guests that they have a chance and he will do whatever he can and to keep fighting just to get their hopes up then stabs every single one of them, he should be ashamed of his game.

Your kidding right??? He should be ashamed of his game??? He has went from being the number one target in the house day 1 to possibly being in the best position in the house to win the game!!! I think your watching the wrong show if you think what Dan is doing is disgusting!!!

I cannot believe that these two dipshits are actually talking about removing Dan from the block so he can make the single vote to send Ian or Shane home. Dat would be gross, honey chile. These people are so boring that they still have to talk about him. I just laughed when He kept saying frank had days to decide about putting britney up on the block and did it when Jenn used the veto on Dan. Him crying about boogie leaving was weak cause Ian knew already he was leaving.

Ian would win if Shane or Danielle was sitting next to him cause he has the better social game. Why is it that Frank lands in everyday converse?? Please, please send Danielle home. She plays like she is innocent she lies and a southern undercover hook…….. You notice she waits after all the real women are gone the clothes come off and talk of how she can hookup with Shane.

She jealous of other women. Her strategy was who could I tease. Nasty house guests this season no one clean the house was kept like a pigpen. Dan is playing these people like a fiddle. I can not believe Ian did not put him up stupid move. The only person who can stop him right now is Shane and that could even fall through since Shane does not seem to know how to play the game.

Ian you claim to be the biggest fan but Dan is about to stab you in the back and you are completely clueless. As for Jenn just get out of the big brother house now because your game is weak. I really hope Dan scumbags Danielle at some point.

I am wondering who will surprise me this year. For three years in a row, there has been one vote each that I got wrong. They were:. BB11 Jessie voting for Jordan. Even though I knew it would not matter, I was confident Jordan would win. It was a big surprise, which made it a win, instead of my predicted I wanted her to win SO badly and was thrilled when she did.

I admit that. BB12 Kathy voting for Hayden. Mild surprise. Matt and Enzo were the better players. BB13 Shelly voting for Rachel. Porsche was useless. Once my dear Jenncity is evicted I will no longer continue to watch because……I despise the rest of the cast. Dan is a devil in disguise using the bible to lie his way through this game, dont get me wrong I am not a devote christian or catholic, but how could anyone do that?

He looks like one of those jock boys that would get beat up in my hood of East Bakersfield. The quack pack is on some elementary ishhh, quacking at the dinner table like a bunch of hyenas laughing. When you lie to her, she calls you out on it. The only real reason I watched it because Jenncity was still sticking around, I knew she was never gonna win, but the rest of the cast just got on my nerves to no extent.

Holy crap!!! Been a fan of hers since she was in Kittie. The damn woman needs a mental evaluation. The absolute last thing I want to happen is for Shane to make it final 3 and win the last HoH. The only thing left to look forward to Dan ripping Dani in front of the Jury. She has already started to worry about that, as well as she should. She has told so many lies and stab so many of the jury in the back, and they are not even aware it, not yet.

I hate the way, once she decides to vote out someone how she will turn on them and talk horrible about them. She had started turning on Shane until he won the veto. I wish Jenn would fill him in on how Dani kept calling him a douch until the veto. Then it all love again. Dan would show he is a decent player by orchestrating the voting out of danielle and taking jenn to the final 2 and winning.

Otherwise he is just a stumbling mumbling hack packer. What is wrong with these people? They are obsessed with Frank. I hope he wins Americas vote to spite them all.

It would be awesome, just for sheer irony on how bad they talk about him. Secondly Danielle needs to go! Ian or Dan should win. And to be compared to Jordan… That is an insult to Jordan!

Jordan was not an annoying, lying, jealous girl. I sure hope next season is better then this one! Danielle is a pretty girl. If she really did have a personality anything like Jordan, she would be beatiful. Unfortunately though her personality actually makes her good looks a flaw because she is so obsessed with her looks, and getting attention in that way.

Are you kidding me? Get over yourself. Oh they are all morons! Sure Frank was all that that they say he was but he is gone. It is stupid because they are about lose all that. They will see how money is gonna take first priority with Dan then they will each feel the way Frank did.

As for Frank, man you would think they all had secret crushes on him they way they keep bringing him up. At least Frank was entertaining to watch.

I am not a fan of Frank but I would rather watch his antics then to sit and watch Danielle pick at her face, or talk about how she gets compared to Kim Kardashian. The Nap pack makes me sleepy, So so boring!!! Worst alliance EVER!!!

I think Shane is sandbagging. So he is smarter, more knowledgable, and more dangerous than the others give him credit for. I think he has an excellent chance to win the whole thing. Danielle suggests the Camera Time as a reason and Ian agreed Am Cam Jenn, Shane and Ian talking about Frank cheating in the competition and getting caught once.

Notify of. Oldest Newest Most Voted. Inline Feedbacks. September 10, pm. That is because Dani was playing the game for the 5 weeks that Jenn slept. I mean, seriously, WTF, people.

Reply to Technotronics. Reply to Simon. September 11, am. Roisin Dubh. Reply to Roisin Dubh. Reply to Cruizin September 11, pm. Fear the Mist. Reply to Chima. Reply to Fear the Mist. Amy N. How terrible they are treating jenn, she had to watch them eating BBQ while she on slop. Reply to IFrank. Reply to billy bob. Simon, I read on fb that there is an eviction tomorrow. Is that true? Reply to Amanda. Vote Dawg! I'll will rip your face off.

Reply to BiffTannen. Reply to NA. Fair enough…but I thought Frank was the bitter one. Reply to Bobsky. Reply to Gracie. Reply to 10 things I hate about u. Reply to Jelly


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