Where is santorum not on the ballot

We decided against doing that. In a conference call with reporters Tuesday, Santorum adviser John Yob, brought on by the campaign as a delegate strategist, said there is a path for the former Pennsylvania senator to get to 1, According to Yob, the campaign rests its delegate strategy on over-performing in May contests like Arkansas, Kentucky, and Texas and then picking up delegates in states like Iowa and Minnesota, which held caucuses earlier, but do not actually bind delegates until county and state conventions in April and May.

As for the organizational deficiencies, Santorum himself said the campaign struggled with the arcane rules of states with early deadlines, but that the organization now is in good shape.

IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Southlake Podcast U. Share this —. Follow NBC News. First Read. We have to make up 24 signatures and I think the fundamental issue is you can't have petitions circulated and have one district be one thing and then half way through have the district change and not count the signatures that were given at the time that they were in fact in that district.

So we've got some very credible, I'm sure solid, legal challenges, and I have no doubt that we'll be on the ballot there. Santorum has consistently said that he will continue to stay in the race for the long haul and collect delegates up until the convention, but this marks the second state where he won't be on the ballot and, therefore, not eligible to collect delegates. He also did not qualify for the ballot in Virginia where there are 49 delegates at stake Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul qualified.

In Indiana there are 46 delegates at stake. On Friday it was unclear whether Santorum planned to fight to get on the ballot or not. Santorum's campaign said that the additional signatures should have fulfilled the requirements and that the campaign would continue to push to get on the ballot.

The Indiana primary is May 8. View the discussion thread.


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